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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overawe \O`ver*awe"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overawed; p. pr. & vb. n. Overawing.] To awe exceedingly; to intimidate or subjugate or restrain by awe or great fear.

The king was present in person to overlook the magistrates, and overawe these subjects with the terror of his sword.


vb. (present participle of overawe English)

Usage examples of "overawing".

While Kane’s physical presence was formidable, Wevnor was himself a man of overawing stature, and he had never seen his equal in swordplay.

Across the valley the towers of Spacetown sparkled like so many multifaceted jewels, completely overawing the drab downtown of Beliveau itself.