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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overanxious \O"ver*anx"ious\, a. Anxious in an excessive or needless degree. -- O"ver*anx"ious*ly, adv.


a. Excessively anxious or nervous.


adj. anxious or nervous to an excessive degree

Usage examples of "overanxious".

You perceive me to be possessed of an overanxious, fainthearted temperament.

I did not wish to seem overanxious and, in any case, I was desperately tired.

The second raft pushed up behind the first, and those aboard made to disembark, but an overanxious departure by the first soldiers dangerously unbalanced the craft and the raft tipped, throwing the remaining passengers into the river with a tremendous splash.

It is clear that you and the princess are--shall we say--a bit overanxious for the union to take place.

With an overanxious mother and a gloomy father, she was not at all certain that this would happen, and wished she could do something to help.