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n. Excessive activity


n. excessive activity; "overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily"

Usage examples of "overactivity".

Those in the grip of the manic phase are full of emotions, excessive joy, excitement, overactivity, tremendous energy, and they make grandiose plans.

Spasms of overactivity in my orbito-frontal and medial prefrontal lobes.

The former prefix is commonly used to indicate any condition involving overactivity of an organ or the production or occurrence of some substance in greater-than -normal quantities.

As explained in the first article of this series, of course, the reporter underwent a thorough physical checkup before she embarked on her quack-hunt and was found to be in one hundred percent perfect condition, with the exception of a 'scarred' area at the bottom tip of her left lung resulting from a childhood attack of tuberculosis and a tendency toward 'hyperthyroidism'- overactivity of the thyroid gland which makes it difficult to put on weight and sometimes causes a slight shortness of breath.