Find the word definition


prep. (context chiefly Scotland Northern England English) Outside; beyond; outside of.


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Usage examples of "outwith".

The source of the flooding was all too easy to locate: close to the big fuel storage tanks just outwith the perimeter of the airport itself, a wide breach had appeared in the dyke of the canal to the south: the debris, stones and mud that were scattered along the top of the dyke on either side of the breach left no doubt that the rupture of the containing dyke had not been of a natural or spontaneous origin.

It was at that moment that the half-closed house door opened and the child stepped outwith Joshua right behind him.

After a while I got up and went out in the kitchenFrank was like he is now, and Gus was outwith his head on the table.

The guard dodged the attack, but put his head in line for a sideswipe that knocked him downand outwith a solid clunk.