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vb. (present participle of outvote English)

Usage examples of "outvoting".

The bit of me that cares about you is outvoting the bit that enjoys seeing you suffer, just for the moment.

The rumor circulated that Azrad and Gor had decided to wait, outvoting Anaran, in hopes that the baronies would tear themselves apart in petty rivalries as the Small Kingdoms had, allowing the Hegemony to move in and pick up the pieces.

But Li Yuan, inheriting from his father, formed effective alliances with his fellow T'ang, Wu Shih of North America, Tsu Ma of West Asia and Wei Feng of East Asia to block Wang in Council, outvoting him four to three.

But Li Yuan, inheriting from his father, formed effective alliances with his fellow T'ang, Tsu Ma, Wu Shih, and Wei Feng, to block Wang in Council, outvoting him four to three.