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outside edges

n. (outside edge English) vb. (en-third-person singularoutside edge)

Usage examples of "outside edges".

He worked first with the scraps left from the Bambino, rubbing the dirt of the garden into the crystals with his fingers, then sandpapering lightly before applying another layer, staining the outside edges heavily with earth tans and rust, using a hard bristle brush to bury the discoloration.

They were tilted up on the outside edges and would have been breathtaking—.

They were dull-bright and had a lot of colors in them and they stood all around the outside edges of the frame.

She was in the process of packing snow around the outside edges of the tent as they arrived.

Memories of being trapped in darkness flickered mothlike against the outside edges of his control but worse even than that were images of the experiments that would begin when sunrise made him vulnerable once more.

Along his outside edges, long flexible spines stuck out like the fringe of a starched carpet.

On one side, the line around the outside edges went down the Callisidrin and across the center of the bridge.

Her head came up and he saw the tiny sparks that might have been incipient tears at the outside edges of her eyes.

The shields were specially hinged, allowing the dwarves on the outside edges to turn back behind the front rank whenever the corridor tightened.