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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Kelly was outstanding and outshone every other player on the field.
▪ Stone effortlessly outshines the other members of the cast.
▪ The young Japanese violinist outshone every other musician at the concert.
▪ But he has to go some to outshine Dean Richards, dropped for the second time in a year.
▪ But she was definitely outshone by the peacock colours and silky materials of her companions.
▪ Charest outshone Campbell with his performance in five televised debates during the campaign.
▪ His fielding has outshone his power in this series, but his forbearance beats both.
▪ In this respect, at least, John Eliot Gardiner's recording on Archiv far outshines the present one.
▪ It narrowly beat much bigger rival and fellow supermarkets group J Sainsbury to the top slot, and outshone Tesco.
▪ It was equally important to outshine everyone else around me - in other words, to achieve at the expense of others.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Outshine \Out*shine"\, v. i. To shine forth. ``Bright, outshining beams.''


Outshine \Out*shine"\, v. t.

  1. To surpass in splendor, excellence, or achievement.

    A throne of royal state, which far Outshone the wealth of Ormus and of Ind.

  2. To shine more brightly than.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from out (adv.) + shine (v.). Perhaps coined by Spenser. Figurative sense of "to surpass in splendor or excellence" is from 1610s. Related: Outshone; outshining.


vb. 1 to shine brighter than something else 2 to exceed something or someone else, especially in an obvious or flamboyant manner

  1. v. shine brighter than; "What star outshines the sun?"

  2. attract more attention and praise than others; "This film outshone all the others in quality"

  3. [also: outshone]

Usage examples of "outshine".

Magnificently attired, the Marquis of Buckingham as far outshone his companions in splendour of habiliments as he did in stateliness of carriage and beauty of person.

Ethel, in the first flower of her loveliness, mingling with, and outshining, every other beauty of her country.

Slowly he had been forced to suspect that he himself was outclassed, outshone, by a race whose very physique was incomprehensible to man.

They spend hours making up their faces, restringing their pearl necklaces, choosing new material for dresses, and thinking how to outshine Mrs.

SunSpot would flashover in a heartbeat, and for a few brief moments would outshine the local star, Lodestar.

It is the renowned Monsieur Des Cartes, whose lustre far outshines the aged winking tapers of Peripatetic Philosophy, and has eclipsed the stagyrite, with all the ancient lights of Greece and Rome.

Caliph who will outshine the splendors of previous caliphs as a sun outshines a moon.

The night was brilliantthere was no such thing as dark during the six months when Alpha Centauri B remained in the heavens after prime sunsetwith the orange dab outshining a hundred full moons and casting sharp-edged shadows.

Honourable Mr. Stables, which bids fair to outshine the old one, on which he has so long rested his colloquial reputation.

None of these warriors, though, outshines a young girl I came to know when I first traveled across Ten-Towns.

It is sad when a mother outshines a daughter, and aims to do it to the extent of trying to fascinate her son-in-law.

In 1932 Carl Jansky discovered that, to his shock, the galactic center was the brightest radio location in the sky, outshining even our sun.

And outshining even the stupendous glory of the glassy peaks shone the fairy towers of Throon.

He glared through the window at the prince, whose magnificence outshone that of the other boys.

Tall and powerful in his silver battle armor chased with gold, he positively radiated strength and wisdom, and his charisma almost outshone the overhead lights.