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outrigger canoes

n. (plural of outrigger canoe English)

Usage examples of "outrigger canoes".

The most important transmissions were of New Guinea shell fishhooks, which spread far into Australia, and of New Guinea outrigger canoes, which spread down the Cape York Peninsula.

The divers show up, one or two each day, on speedboats or outrigger canoes from Palawan.

A climate and environment similar to Polynesia could have given rise to a culture similar to the Polynesian culture, complete with loose, wraparound clothing, outrigger canoes, and a loose and easy life-style based on the bounty of the sea.

Before him, the floor had been gutted, revealing an array of dust-caked outrigger canoes.

He took out one of the outrigger canoes, paddled around thelagoon, visited the pigs and chickens on the farthest islet, andmanaged to overturn the outrigger in the current between islands,to the uproarious delight of the Polynesian staff of the hotel, whoapparently had nothing better to do than watch him from the beach.

We felled two large trees and used fire to hollow them out, making outrigger canoes similar to the ones the Maori used to populate the sparse South Pacific.

That's how the South Sea natives find their way from island to island in their outrigger canoes.

South Sea natives find their way from island to island in their outrigger canoes.

The main hall, with its balconies circling the upper levels, was crowded with neatly spaced exhibits of outrigger canoes, stuffed fish and birds, replicas of primitive grass huts, and strange, ugly carvings of ancient Hawaiian gods.

On the shore, following the curve of the bay, were the crazy, ramshackle huts erected on long bamboo poles below the highwater mark, with their suspended nets to trap the tidal catch of fish, and half-way along the beach a curved breakwater hooked far out into the bay, sheltering launches and fishing vessels, the tented prahus and the double outrigger canoes too large to be dragged up past the fishing-huts.