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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Outrageous \Out*ra"geous\ (out*r[=a]"j[u^]s), a. [OF. outrageus, F. outrageux. See Outrage, n.] Of the nature of an outrage; exceeding the limits of right, reason, or decency; such as to cause outrage; involving or doing an outrage; furious; violent; atrocious. ``Outrageous weeping.''
--Chaucer. ``The most outrageous villainies.''
--Sir P. Sidney. ``The vile, outrageous crimes.''
--Shak. ``Outrageous panegyric.''

Syn: Violent; furious; exorbitant; excessive; atrocious; monstrous; wanton; nefarious; heinous. [1913 Webster] -- Out*ra"geous*ly (out*r[=a]"j[u^]s*l[y^]), adv. -- Out*ra"geous*ness, n.


adv. In an outrageous manner; to an outrageous degree.

  1. adv. in a very offensive manner; "he behaved outrageously"

  2. to an extravagant or immoderate degree; "atrociously expensive" [syn: atrociously]

Usage examples of "outrageously".

The original invoice charged for too many mice, or else gouged Mandrill outrageously.

Spoiled outrageously, Morgan, who had inherited the reckless Markland courage, all the arrogance and belligerence of the clan, had early demonstrated brash young scorn for many of the principles of honor, trustworthiness, generosity and forbearance that went with it.

I make cause of death as either shock or a massive failure and necrosis of several major organs, plus tissue damage from an outrageously high fever.

NOSE BECOMES OUTRAGEOUSLY LONG The next morning poor, jaded, famished Passepartout said to himself that he must get something to eat at all hazards, and the sooner he did so the better.

Strabismus might possess to enable him to seduce her mother so outrageously, but in mid-July the world-famous scientist, as his brochures described him, came personally to Clay to solicit further funds for the impending plenary session of the Visitors, the one which would determine pretty much how the United States would be governed after the takeover.

The big horse had a peculiar flair for the dramatic, and he always pranced outrageously when Sparhawk was mounted on his back in full armour.

No worries of unaired beds, outrageously high prices at inns, of highwaymen or bad food came to annoy her.

I was behaving outrageously, unprofessionally and intimidatingly, and that my completely unfounded allegations were preposterous.

Audrey with a smile of amused toleration, on her outrageously low green gown, that was somehow casually elegant, on her long green ear-rings and jade chain, on the cigaret between her slim fingers.

One hundred billion is an unreasonably high figure--probably outrageously inflated--but even so--Subtract these casualties from the preconquest population of Coruscant.

At the far-off tables that stood nearest the High Table, the only identifiable faces belonged to the comely Lady Rosamonde, eldest daughter of the Duke of Roxburgh, the balding Dowager Marchioness of Netherby-on-the-Fens in her incongruous and outrageously expensive wig of real Talith hair, and the young Talith noblewoman Maiwenna, her good looks framed by naturally acquired gold.

The prices on such things were dear even in Bingtown, and outrageously high once the goods had been shipped to other ports.

The entire thing, he realized, was an outrageously extravagant trapa trap that had included Xinemus.

The bad ones were made to look outrageously badand sometimes, not often, Bobo would perversely gravitate toward them, but that was a risk that had to be taken.

And worse, Spears knew everyone in the Diplomatic Corps considered him to be a superannuated fool given to breaking the rules and acting outrageously.