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vb. (en-past of: outpoint)

Usage examples of "outpointed".

Barota outpointed him, and Jackie Finnegan, Frankie Grogan and Flash Sullivan, the lightheavy champion.

Philosophers accepted that Kuhn had outpointed Popper, but sought an alternative way that avoided his sociologizing conclusions and retained the validity of the internalist account of science.

He stepped to her in two long strides, stood before her with outpointed toes, took her hand, and placed it against his chest.

Because my endocranial volume outpointed hers by at least seven hundred centimeters, her baby had inherited from me a genetic template for a brain case perilously larger than the habiline norm.

He walked forward toward the outpointed knife, walked straight-limbed and head up, his shoulders squared, his jaw set in fashion that indicated how completely caution had been flung aside.