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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
outlying areas (=far from the centre of a town, village etc)
▪ The programme also includes plans to reforest outlying areas of the city.
▪ Our ability to supply gas in outlying areas has been considerably improved in joint 26A co-operation with our P.E. manufacturers.
▪ Previously, most local grain was ground in the many small mills around the city and outlying areas.
▪ No recreation was arranged for those of us in outlying areas.
▪ However, visitors from outlying areas to attend football matches will contribute substantially to the local economy of the cities mentioned above.
▪ This could be considerable particularly in the outlying areas.
▪ The effect of population movement on the social structures of outlying areas.
▪ So success rates in urban areas, where representation is more likely to be present, were higher than in outlying areas.
▪ Local people say there are many such flags flying in the outlying areas.
▪ Nor were the outlying islands being overlooked.
▪ Many other botanists have also visited the remote and outlying islands during the period under discussion.
▪ Lookouts on outlying islands warned fishing villages of approaching whales, whereupon great numbers of men in small boats gave chase.
▪ His constant travelling to outlying villages to hold clinics was only mildly odd.
▪ Some outlying villages were still under several feet of water yesterday and weathermen warned of more to come in the holiday weekend.
▪ However, outlying villages had been attacked and the city's rail link with Phnom Penh was frequently severed.
▪ Another 140,000 are starving in the outlying villages.
▪ Volunteers run 17 luncheon clubs and three coffee bars around Bassetlaw, many of them in small outlying villages.
▪ He had found her in one of the outlying villages.
▪ There is no Tube and the buses from outlying villages come round like general elections.
outlying farm communities
▪ But presently the crowd loosened into smaller groups and a good many people went off into the village or set off for outlying farms.
▪ In addition to the palatial and leafy suburbs, there are areas of inner-city terraced housing awaiting redevelopment and large outlying council estates.
▪ Just ahead lay the outlying volcanic islands of To Shima and Nii Shima, and the wind carried us slantwise between them.
▪ Many other botanists have also visited the remote and outlying islands during the period under discussion.
▪ Our ability to supply gas in outlying areas has been considerably improved in joint 26A co-operation with our P.E. manufacturers.
▪ Reports of the battle of Gettysburg took a year or more to reach the outlying frontier territories.
▪ Some outlying villages were still under several feet of water yesterday and weathermen warned of more to come in the holiday weekend.
▪ This caused considerable movement in outlying regions.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Outlying \Out"ly`ing\, a. Lying or being at a distance from the central part, or the main body; being on, or beyond, the frontier; exterior; remote; detached.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"outside certain limits," 1660s, from out + present participle of lie (v.2). Meaning "remote from the center" is first recorded 1680s.


a. 1 relatively remote from some central location. 2 Located outside of some boundary or limit. n. A region relatively remote from a central location.


adj. relatively far from a center or middle; "outlying settlements" [syn: outlying(a)]

Usage examples of "outlying".

At the same time, the outlying consulates of Dushaun on Onerir and elsewhere in the Allegiancy have been emptied.

The outlying fields grew first garish with golden ragweed and scarlet poppies, and then dull green again with the brown-knotted rushes and sombre sedge, and all other marish growths, until the re-annexation was complete, and they once more were homogeneous part and parcel of the conquering bog.

The minster and its outlying buildings, the library, and the university were destroyed, and only one of three canons remained in residence.

There is where he should have been, there with the mountainy men, but by the time the tired rider had brought the news to Selui, and by the time Hull had reached Ormiston, it was already too late, and Ozarky was but an outlying province of the expanding Empire, while the Master camped there above Norse, and sent representations to Selui.

In reconnoitring, in distributing proclamations, in collecting arms, in overawing outlying districts, weak columns must be used.

Samuel the First insisted on doing so after the war, as a means of further disrupting outlying communities and distracting them from the business of restablishing a new Government.

From the vine-yard and the vine-press, from the bouvary or ox-farm, from the marl-pits and salterns, even from the distant iron-works of Sowley and the outlying grange of St.

And of the outlying towers, only my sangar remains, which lies between this spot and Khoruk.

The Sarpent has come up one side of the river, and I have come up the other, in order to scout for the outlying rascals, while Jasper brought up the canoe, like a bold-hearted sailor as he is.

It was here that we reached the outer boundaries of Akkadian rule, and bid farewell to our escort, who would remain, supplementing the garrison of an outlying Akkadian fortress.

In 1670 he penetrated to an outlying Algonkin village, never before visited by a white man.

Ignoring the insult would only invite further attacks on outlying Bactrian farms and trade routes.

Hall, Foxholes, Bearwood, the Vicarage of Mosely, and their outlying acquaintances, their yeomen and their labourers, lived as old-fashioned and hearty a life as if the battle of Sedgemoor had never been fought.

As Tarzan neared the city his interest became centered upon the architecture of the outlying buildings which were hewn from the chalklike limestone of what had once been a group of low hills, similar to the many grass-covered hillocks that dotted the valley in every direction.

There are but three, or at most four groups that could be defined as distinct clusters, and even in the case of these the disposition is so irregular and their boundaries so ill defined, through the great number of outlying small groups scattered about, that they can hardly be considered distinct.