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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Outlive \Out*live"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Outlived; p. pr. & vb. n. Outliving.] To live beyond, or longer than; to survive.

They live too long who happiness outlive.


vb. (en-past of: outlive)

Usage examples of "outlived".

It had never happened before that a Pontifex had outlived two Coronals, so that the third Coronal of the reign came into power when the Pontifex was already in extreme old age.

They outlived it, as he seemed at last to have outlived fear and regret, and perhaps even longing.

He's been close about his body so long now that he's outlived his fear, and they've come by a sort of understanding of each other that puts it out of mind.

I have outlived them, I alone, as I have outlived all the generations of men after— until today, Starkadh.

And if it's the end, then good riddance to a species that has outlived its purpose.

Or that watch-whers sometimes outlived their humans and could re-bond with another human—or maybe she wouldn't tell him that, she thought with a frown.

She had outlived both of those, and some of her offspring as well, and many a Coronal had come and gone on Castle Mount, and still Aximaan Threysz went on and on.

I have outlived even the gods, who forever had been deathless and who forever would be immortal.

That day-of-birth name I would bear until I had outlived the hazards of infancy, until I was seven years old, by which age I could be presumed likely to live to grow up, and so would be given a more distinctive adult name.

When I told myself that I was at last rightfully enjoying the idle life I had labored so long to earn, perhaps I was just refusing to confess that I had outlived my usefulness, that I had outlived every person I ever loved or who ever loved me.

They commonly outlived ordinary mortals, and they commonly died in ways ordinary mortals might envy, such as dropping off to sleep and never waking up.

That would be up to his sons, and to Selatre if she outlived him, and to all his vassals: many of them, these days, the sons of the men who'd first given him homage and fealty, some the grandsons.

It would not end, Vander knew, until Ghost decided that the firbolg had outlived his usefulness.

Bogo initially took a cautious step back, fearing that he, too, might have outlived his usefulness.