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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Outline \Out"line`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Outlined; p. pr. & vb. n. Outlining.]

  1. To draw the outline of.

  2. Fig.: To sketch out or indicate as by an outline; to create a general framework of (a plan, system, discourse, course of thought), for which the details need to be added; as, to outline an argument or a campaign.


vb. (present participle of outline English)

Usage examples of "outlining".

Lamplight ran over his body, outlining the power that ran through him like leashed lightning.

His wet clothes clung to every line of tendon and sinew, outlining muscular shoulders and thighs.

The supple fabric fit him like a shadow, outlining the power of his arms and shoulders.

Water ran like golden tears down his body, burnishing every line of muscle and sinew, outlining him with liquid fire.

He didn’t let her go until the nipple was erect and the cotton clung wetly, outlining her arousal.

The blouse was loose, but the weight of the beads made the material cling to her breasts, outlining her in shimmering light with each breath she took.

When she let go of the hem of her dress, the breeze picked it up and pressed the supple cloth against her legs, outlining their slender length in soft rose.

There the thread was so thick it was like embroidery, a careful series of Xs crisscrossing and outlining each separate plate of jade.

When everyone was settled, and had taken the first cautious sips, she brought Currald up to date, outlining the repairs, the few changes necessary for the marines on Troop Deck, and the discreet hunt for the poisoner.

The Prosecutor went on, outlining the events of the mutiny, of the attempted murder of the lightweights .

All momentarily were parallel, outlining the darkened lower stories of Regulus Base tower.

The only trouble with the live connection, Polyon thought, was that he didn't get to finish outlining the list of things he could do to Polo Construction as a company and to Fassa personally.

It looked uncomfortable that way, and the fabric of his trousers was caught against his genitals, outlining the size of them in a way that made her acutely embarrassed for him.

In the light of the dash his face was hard and exciting, the virile brush of his moustache outlining the precision of his upper lip.

It was straightforward and simple, stating the rental fee and outlining the rules.