vb. (en-past of: outhold)
Usage examples of "outheld".
His voice quivered with ridiculous emotion, his little fat red fingers trembled as he outheld them in a theatrical gesture of supplication.
A small thread of mist arose and she paced slowly about the bench, the bowl outheld and the mist, seemingly inexhaustible, weaving a pattern in the air back and forth across Undia.
The sets line bowed out for fear of mishaps, while the drummers went crazy, and the hired-help dodged down the line, filling outheld mugs and spilling astonishingly little.
He let out a squawk and wheeled around, his hands outheld to ward off attack.
Since when mine eyes have seen no sign outheld To signify a change of purposings.
Leader released die botde, and it flew slowly through the air in die direction of Doctor Lu, who caught it in his outheld hand.
But again the mischief in him, the idler, the newly awakened hunting male, took him to her with arms outheld and the look of triumph in his eyes that she mistook for love.
The bodies had been partly eaten and rooks flew up as the riders approached and a pair of buzzards began to trot off across the sand with their wings outheld like soiled chorines, their boiled-looking heads jerking obscenely.