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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The research began after the discovery of hermaphrodite carp next to a large sewage outfall.
▪ At low tide, the sewage outfall at Porthleven harbour can be seen depositing thick sludge into the sea.
▪ As the peat shrank, the critical outfall of the river Ouse into the North Sea inevitably began to silt up.
▪ Father had the job, but when they built the new outfall on the other side of town we stayed on here.
▪ Hug the left bank to the rack outfall then the right bank to second the outflow to avoid very shallow water.
▪ Jackie Whites for chub from the blockhouse, with one or two good roach bags around the outfall.
▪ Limpley Stoke sewer outfall producing bream., with some chub throughout.
▪ Sewage outfall at Bourne End producing odd skimmers along with quality roach.
▪ The pollution is exacerbated by the 90-year-old outfall pipe which has broken, in the past, in at least four places.
▪ The research began after the discovery of hermaphrodite carp next to a large sewage outfall.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Outfall \Out"fall`\, n.

  1. The mouth of a river; the lower end of a water course; the open end of a drain, culvert, etc., where the discharge occurs.

  2. A quarrel; a falling out. [Prov. Eng.]


Etymology 1 vb. (context transitive obsolete English) To burst forth, as upon an enemy; make a sally. Etymology 2

n. 1 (context obsolete English) A sudden eruption of troops from a fortified place; sally. 2 (context dialectal English) A quarrel; a falling out. 3 The point or place of discharge of a river, drain, culvert, sewer, etc.; mouth; embouchure.


n. the outlet of a river or drain or other source of water


An outfall is the discharge point of a waste stream into a body of water; alternatively it may be the outlet of a river, drain or a sewer where it discharges into the sea, a lake or the like.

In the United States, industrial facilities that discharge storm water which was exposed to industrial activities at the site are required to have a multi-sector general permit. Issuing permits for storm water is delegated to the individual states that are authorized by the EPA. Facilities that apply for a permit must specify the number of outfalls at the site. According to the EPA's 2008 MSGP (final version), outfalls are locations where the stormwater exits the facility, including pipes, ditches, swales, and other structures that transport stormwater. If there is more than one outfall present, measure at the primary outfall (i.e., the outfall with the largest volume of stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity).

Outfalls from sewage plants can be up to 20 feet in diameter and release 4000 gallons of treated human waste every second, only miles from the shore.

A wastewater treatment system discharges treated effluent to a water body from an outfall. An ocean outfall may be conveyed several miles offshore, to discharge by nozzles at the end of a spreader or T-shaped structure. Outfalls may also be constructed as an outfall tunnel or subsea tunnel and discharge effluent to the ocean via one or more marine risers with nozzles.

Usage examples of "outfall".

Those heard it who dwelt in the Colchian land very far from Titanian Aea, near the outfall of Lycus, the river which parts from loud-roaring Araxes and blends his sacred stream with Phasis, and they twain flow on together in one and pour their waters into the Caucasian Sea.

As lord of the marches and guardian of an exposed country-side, there was little rest for him even in times of so-called peace, and his whole life was spent in raids and outfalls upon the Brabanters, late-comers, flayers free companions, and roving archers who wandered over his province.

I have seen Frenchmen fight both in open field, in the intaking and the defending of towns or castlewicks, in escalados, camisades, night forays, bushments, sallies, outfalls, and knightly spear-runnings.

He found several outfalls of underground streams, but only one seemed to have the flow velocity and position to make it a likely candidate.

Low hills rolled up to the north, covered with a browngold mossgrass and outfalls of rock.

They dump fluorescent green dye into industrial outfalls so that news choppers can hover overhead and get spectacular footage of how pollution spreads.

And here is the outfall of the river Acheron which bursts its way through the headland and falls into the Eastern sea, and a hollow ravine brings it down from above.

As the four rode two by two across the narrow bridge over the tower outfall drainageway, Ryba said, "The bridge is solid, and the paved part feels that way, too.

Below the lower outfalls, the cold rushing water, both from the runoff diverted from around the bathhouse and tower and from the drainage system, had cut an even deeper gouge through the low point of the muddy swathe that had been a road, a depression that was fast becoming a small gorge.

A rectangle of outfalling kitchen light revealed a porch floor painted pearl-gray and remarkably free of dust for the porch of a house in a desert town.

But if the water pipe was not filled with obstructions or too narrow for a man, they might have the pleasure of exploring their cave from entrance shaft to outfall before they shared the secret of its existence with the caving fraternity.