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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Outface \Out*face"\ (out*f[=a]s"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Outfaced (out*f[=a]st"); p. pr. & vb. n. Outfacing (out*f[=a]"s[i^]ng).] To face or look (one) out of countenance; to resist or bear down by bold looks or effrontery; to brave.

Having outfaced all the world.


vb. (present participle of outface English)

Usage examples of "outfacing".

The three-phase moona circle flanked by two outfacing crescentswas tattooed on her belly, and concentric serpent patterns covered each full breast.

By being alive here, by outfacing the eternal enemies—heat, cold, and airlessness, distance, acceleration, and the ever-present missiles of space itself, and even other men—he kept humanity alive.

He might have returned, wedded to his wanton, outfacing the censorious, not, though he ruined himself past recovery, as a cuckolded lover.

Slowly Whisper sank down on his haunches and forepaws until he was stretched outfacing her.

The three-phase moon—a circle flanked by two outfacing crescents—was tattooed on her belly, and concentric serpent patterns covered each full breast.