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out of play

adj. of a ball; "a ball that is out of play is dead" [syn: out of play(p)]

Usage examples of "out of play".

She figures that Trevor's Star is the most valuable counter on the board and that taking it back out of play—.

If she was unable to turn them to her own ends, she could at worst set them out of play.

And the buffet of the explosion slapped the ship commander into the controls, taking him out of play.

Tinbane blinked as the ball rolled harmlessly on, into the take-up slot and out of play.

The ball went out of play in a low, curving loop, just as the whistle blew for full time.

He held troubled thoughts, of an unknown antagonist who had nearly taken him out of play with one move, and that enemy's master, an unseen, unassailable threat.

He held troubledthoughts, of an unknown antagonist who had nearlytaken him out of play with one move, and that enemy'smaster, an unseen, unassailable threat.