Usage examples of "ould".
When ould Kasim asked Moz what was wrong with Derb Yassin, he told the old soldier that the foreigner wanted hot water.
Moz came by the house in Derb Yassin to make his peace with Malika he told the joke to Corporal ould Kasim and the old man had called it stupid.
Bedad, now the big ould head of him is as full of desate as it can hould.
If we spoke to him of what we want, perhaps hec ould make his French chief understand more clearly than we can that we truly want him to stay.
God liveth, I gave an ould man, then the keeper of the private store, 2 glasses with sallet oyle which I brought with me out of England for my private stoare, and willed him to bury it in the ground, for that I feared the great heate would spoile it.
The ould king grew so excited that he laid down the pipes, took up his fiddle, came down from the throne, and standing ferninst Darby began a finer tune than the first.
Steep bluffs of the river and creekw ould protect the other two sides, and water would be accessible even in a siege.
Jamie, and Mike, and the bould ould serjeant, here, can have their way.
Should I kape ye out o' the way till ye get sober, and ould man Arnot find it out, I'd be in the street meself widout a job 'fore he ate his dinner.
I called to him and, as he glanced over his sh oulder, flung the gold.