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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Otis tarda

bustard \bus"tard\ (b[u^]s"t[~e]rd), n. [OF. & Prov. F. bistarde, F. outarde, from L. avis tarda, lit., slow bird.
--Plin. 10, 22; ``proxim[ae] iis sunt, quas Hispania aves tardas appellat, Gr[ae]cia 'wti`das.''] (Zo["o]l.) A bird of the genus Otis.

Note: The great or bearded bustard ( Otis tarda) is the largest game bird in Europe. It inhabits the temperate regions of Europe and Asia, and was formerly common in Great Britain. The little bustard ( Otis tetrax) inhabits eastern Europe and Morocco. Many other species are known in Asia and Africa.