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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The humpback whales make otherworldly sounds.
▪ In this otherworldly space of time, the surprise could be complete.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

otherworldly \otherworldly\ adj.

  1. existing outside of or not in accordance with nature.

    Syn: nonnatural, preternatural, transcendental. [WordNet 1.5

  2. Not worldly; preparing for or concerned primarily with the afterlife; -- of people. [WordNet 1.5

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1854, from other + world + -ly (1). Otherworldliness is recorded from 1819. Phrase other world "world of idealism or fantasy, afterlife, spirit-land" is c.1200.


a. 1 Of, concerned with, or preoccupy with a different world than that of the tangible here and now, such as a heavenly, spiritual, or imaginary world. 2 Not belonging to the real world; unnatural; odd and unfamiliar.


adj. existing outside of or not in accordance with nature; "find transcendental motives for sublunary action"-Aldous Huxley [syn: nonnatural, preternatural, transcendental]

Usage examples of "otherworldly".

The pessimistic Ascenders dourly pursued an otherworldly Goal they were assured of never reaching, and the optimistic Descenders giddily embraced a this-worldly creation whose Source they celebrated but never experienced.

The same cannot be said about the vast, otherworldly subject of cybersex, which involves a range of physical and cerebral activities more suited to science fiction than the kind of fiction we have been examining up to now.

It was quite a change from his days as a Conscientious Neglector when he deliberately stayed away from all things fey and otherworldly.

They glowed slightly with an otherworldly light and we could hear the impatient noises of unseen owlets whose cries of hunger sounded like kids in soda shops sucking up the dregs of malteds from tall glasses.

Hastet had spiked the guacamole with wasabi or some otherworldly equivalent.

The ground was green, as were the leaves and new shoots of the trees, many of which were white birches, ashes, silver maples, and pale beech trees, their ivory bark giving the woods an otherworldly appearance.

He was a firstcomer, and he wore about him a skin that ill-concealed the tattering remnants of otherworldly clothing.

Just as, in the Pickover book which Gus had read in childhood, five disconnected blobs appearing on the surface of a Flatland balloon might really be fingerprints from a single, otherworldly hand.

The clerics of the temple were fighters of courage and skill, but the otherworldly fiends had tipped the odds.

Leyna Astar put her delicate hands upon the table, the arabesques of light giving them an otherworldly dimension.

Ra-Menae III, the only habitable planet in a rare binary star system, where giant shell-encased creatures dominated in an otherworldly version of earth's age of dinosaurs.

Mile by mile he was driving farther away from the real world, into this otherworldly land of second chances, and eventually the intersection of the county route and Coal Valley Road would cease to exist in the night behind him.

All that I had glimpsed in a moment, like a brief glance through some otherworldly window.

He frowned, the blue light casting otherworldly shadows on his hawkish features, and moused over to his bookmarks.

I’ve defeated demons with powers beyond your comprehension, have freed wandering perambulators to cavort openly between the stars, have battled otherworldly sorcerers and whole armies of plated folk.