Othara or Othera is an Indian village in the Kerala state. It is located near Tiruvalla, in Pathanamthitta district.
Othara is divided into two areas, Othara East and Othara West. It is 4 km from Kallissery on the MC road, 4 km from Nellad on the TK road, and can also can be reached from Kuttor on the MC road or Kumbanad from the TK road.
It is a peaceful residential and agricultural village. However, due to large migration to the Gulf in the 70s and 80s the place has become economically prosperous.It is a peaceful semi-urban village where people of all religions live peacefully. Nature has endowed it with all its blessings, and the people can call it God's Own Country.
The village is famous for its cultural heritage, which includes the Padayani festival at Pudukulangara Devi Temple. Pazhayakaavu Sree Krishna Swamy Temple is the only one temple in kerala where Padayani performances last for twenty-eight days in the courtyard of othera Devi temple. Its make-up materials are taken from the nature, like Spathe of Areca palm ('paala in Malayalam), Terra-cota powder, and charcoal and turmeric powder. There are different varieties of effigies to represent like Yakshi palkshi, kaalan, kuthira Maadanm marutha. Pisach,Ganapathi,Bhairavi and kaajiramaala. There are effigies with masks and crowns. Padayani is replete with human creativity and natures bounty which all leads to excellent aesthetic extravaganza.