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other than

prep. (context idiomatic English) except, besides

other than

adj. being distinct from that or those first considered; "all parts of the house other than the windows were in good condition"; "apparently took no clothes other than those he was wearing"

Usage examples of "other than".

Most of the inhabitants agreed that this heavy body was none other than the fireball which had fallen from the sky four days before.

Suddenly Benvolio began to suspect that the book the young girl in the garden was reading was none other than a volume of his own, put forth some six months before.

They find me with a knife in my back, which isn't the kind of thing which would do any real harm at all to an immortal deity, and the cretins not only jump to the conclusion that I've been murdered but that the culprit was none other than God Almighty Himself.

Warren was distinctly surprised when--the exchange having been effected--the man relieved proved to be none other than G.

It came from India while Carter and I were visiting him in 1919, and he never would tell us anything about it --said it would be better if we didn't know, and hinted that it might have come originally from some place other than the Earth.

Between these two dates we must decide on evidence other than the shadow.

And, like his brother, returned to a point other than the one from which he had left.

Why, in spite of all, should I go back, go back for all the rest of my days to toil and stress, insults and perpetual dissatisfaction, simply to save hundreds of millions of common people, whom I did not love, whom too often I could do no other than despise, from the stress and anguish of war and infinite misrule?