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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ostracize \Os"tra*cize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ostracized; p. pr. & vb. n. Ostracizing.] [Gr. 'ostraki`zein, fr. 'o`strakon a tile, a tablet used in voting, a shell; cf. 'o`streon oyster, 'oste`on bone. Cf. Osseous, Oyster.]

  1. (Gr. Antiq.) To exile by ostracism; to banish by a popular vote, as at Athens.

  2. To banish from society, by a general consent; to exclude from social, political, or private favor; to exclude from conversation or friendship; to shun; as, he was ostracized by his former friends. A person may be ostracized by a formal vote or by a widespread but informal agreement.


vb. (en-past of: ostracize)

Usage examples of "ostracizing".

Whether as a result of this treatment, or from the inescapable realization that in ostracizing the Lanyons she distressed no one but Charlotte, she appeared next morning with so firm a smile, and so inexhaustible a flow of amiable commonplaces, that she might have been supposed to have suffered a complete loss of memory.

By the end of a long trip they may be picking fights with one another, hoarding food, ostracizing the new members—acting, in short, like men in prison, which in some ways they are.

Rather than ostracizing utopians, we should take advantage of their willingness to experiment, encouraging them with money and tolerance, if not respect.