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Ossetian may refer to:

  • The Ossetian language
  • A member of the Ossetian people
  • A person from the region of Ossetia

Usage examples of "ossetian".

The Legion was dropping on the whole pass that took the Ossetian Military Highway through the mountains from north to south, but the bulk of it was landing at the southern end.

First Legion over on the Ossetian Highway is the situation on the north.

An Ossetian younger brother had married the heiress of a neighboring athri in Grib.

The only good news was that the Georgian government seemed to be stabilizing and even the Ossetians were coming to the table.

Since then negotiations had been stalled, the Ossetians were terrorizing western Georgia, the Chechens eastern Georgia, and taxes seemed to disappear into a black hole.

Dozens of different interests, all vying for power, the clans in the mountains always feuding, the Ossetians, the Chechens, just impossible.

As a gesture of goodwill, we leave the transport copters for our new friends the North Ossetians, climb on our ride and fly away home.

The Ossetians and Ingush, the Ossetians and the Georgians, the Abkhazians and the Georgians, the Checkens and the Cossacks, the Chechens and the Laks, the Azeris and the Lezgins.

The Os-setians and Ingush, the Ossetians and the Georgians, the Abkhazians and the Georgians, the Checkens and the Cossacks, the Chechens and the Laks, the Azeris and the Lezgins.