Osh-Tisch (which means "Finds Them and Kills Them" in Crow) was Crow badé. A badé (also spelled baté) was an anatomical male who lived as a woman (similar to the modern concept of a trans woman).
In the late 1890s, an American agent named Briskow jailed Osh-Tisch and the other badés, and forced them to get masculine haircuts, wear masculine clothing, and perform manual labor. The Crow, who esteemed the badés, were outraged, saying it went against their nature. Chief Pretty Eagle used what power he had to compel the agent to resign and leave tribal lands. Describing the incident in 1982, Joe Medicine Crow said, "It was a tragedy, trying to change them. Briskow was crazy."
Nonetheless, Osh-Tisch was one of the last badés of the Crow Nation, and the institution of the badé went into decline.
Pretty Shield reported that Osh-Tisch fought in the Battle of the Rosebud.