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The research project OSAMI-D is the German subproject of the European ITEA 2 project OSAMI (Open Source AMbient Intelligence).

The aim of the international project OSAMI is the design of a basic, widely applicable SOA-oriented component platform, its development, test and its provision as open source software. The project consists of a number of national subprojects, each focussing on a certain field of application. The German subproject OSAMI-D, funded by the BMBF, the German ministry of education and research, under reference number 01 IS 08003, contributes to the e-Health domain. The main objectives are interoperability, maintainability, reliability, as well as automated configuration and management of medical devices and services to provide new forms of healthcare to diseased and convalescent people. The advantages of these technical contributions will be demonstrated by means of an e-Health application which supports ambulant cardiologic rehabilitation.
The software component platform specified by the OSGi Alliance forms the technical basis of the OSAMI platform. It provides lifecycle management for software components as well as local service interactions as defined in service-oriented architectures and will be combined with the Web Services approach, in particular DPWS / WS4D in order to implement distributed, dynamically configurable, vendor-neutral and device-independent solutions.

Project data Support programme: BMBF IKT2020 Duration: 01.07.2008 - 31.12.2011