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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Oryzopsis \Oryzopsis\ prop. n. A genus of grasses incluiding rice grass.

Syn: genus Oryzopsis.


Rice \Rice\, n. [F. riz (cf. Pr. ris, It. riso), L. oryza, Gr. ???, ???, probably from the Persian; cf. OPers. br[=i]zi, akin to Skr. vr[=i]hi; or perh. akin to E. rye. Cf. Rye.] (Bot.) A well-known cereal grass ( Oryza sativa) and its seed. This plant is extensively cultivated in warm climates, and the grain forms a large portion of the food of the inhabitants. In America it grows chiefly on low, moist land, which can be overflowed.

Ant rice. (Bot.) See under Ant.

French rice. (Bot.) See Amelcorn.

Indian rice., a tall reedlike water grass ( Zizania aquatica), bearing panicles of a long, slender grain, much used for food by North American Indians. It is common in shallow water in the Northern States. Called also water oat, Canadian wild rice, etc.

Mountain rice, any species of an American genus ( Oryzopsis) of grasses, somewhat resembling rice.

Rice bunting. (Zo["o]l.) Same as Ricebird.

Rice hen (Zo["o]l.), the Florida gallinule.

Rice mouse (Zo["o]l.), a large dark-colored field mouse ( Calomys palistris) of the Southern United States.

Rice paper, a kind of thin, delicate paper, brought from China, -- used for painting upon, and for the manufacture of fancy articles. It is made by cutting the pith of a large herb ( Fatsia papyrifera, related to the ginseng) into one roll or sheet, which is flattened out under pressure. Called also pith paper.

Rice troupial (Zo["o]l.), the bobolink.

Rice water, a drink for invalids made by boiling a small quantity of rice in water.

Rice-water discharge (Med.), a liquid, resembling rice water in appearance, which is vomited, and discharged from the bowels, in cholera.

Rice weevil (Zo["o]l.), a small beetle ( Calandra oryz[ae], or Sitophilus oryz[ae]) which destroys rice, wheat, and Indian corn by eating out the interior; -- called also black weevil.


Oryzopsis is a genus of Chinese and North American plants in the grass family. Species from this genus are commonly called ricegrass.

The name alludes to the resemblance between this genus and true rice, Oryza.

  1. Oryzopsis asperifolia – roughleaf ricegrass - Canada (all 10 provinces plus Yukon + Northwest Territories), United States ( Northeast, Great Lakes, Black Hills, Rocky Mountains)
  2. Oryzopsis chinensis - China
  3. Oryzopsis contracta - Colorado, Wyoming, Montana
  4. Oryzopsis exigua - Wyoming
  5. Oryzopsis hendersonii - Oregon, Idaho, Washington State
  6. Oryzopsis hymenoides - western North America from British Columbia + Alberta to California + New Mexico
  7. Oryzopsis pungens - Canada, northern United States
  8. Oryzopsis racemosa - eastern Canada, northeastern + north-central United States
  9. Oryzopsis swallenii - Idaho, Wyoming
formerly included

numerous species once regarded as members of Oryzopsis but now considered better suited to other genera: Achnatherum Achnella Anemanthele Eriocoma Nassella Piptatherum Piptatheropsis Piptochaetium Ptilagrostis Stipa Stiporyzopsis