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The Collaborative International Dictionary

orpine \or"pine\, n. [F. orpin the genus of plants which includes orpine; -- so called from the yellow blossoms of a common species (Sedum acre). See Orpiment.] (Bot.) A low plant with fleshy leaves ( Sedum telephium), having clusters of purple flowers. It is found on dry, sandy places, and on old walls, in England, and has become naturalized in America. Called also stonecrop, and live-forever.


n. Any of several temperate succulent plants, of the family Crassulaceae, that have clusters of purple flowers.


n. perennial northern temperate plant with toothed leaves and heads of small purplish-white flowers [syn: orpin, livelong, live-forever, Sedum telephium]

Usage examples of "orpine".

Orpine reminded me of someone else I had been talking with not long before—of Mucor, the mad girl in Blood's villa.

Brother Ambrose, still voiceless, essayed speech and achieved only a painful wheeze, before Brother Cadfael, who was anointing his patients throat afresh with goose-grease, and had a soothing syrup of orpine standing by, laid a palm over the sufferers mouth and ordered silence.

Brother Ambrose, still voiceless, essayed speech and achieved only a painful wheeze, before Brother Cadfael, who was anointing his patient's throat afresh with goose-grease, and had a soothing syrup of orpine standing by, laid a palm over the sufferer's mouth and ordered silence.