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n. (plural of orientation English)


Orientations is a magazine of the arts of East and Southeast Asia, the Himalayas and the Indian Subcontinent, that has been published since 1970. The magazine is published in Hong Kong by Yifawn Lee and edited by Annie Knibb.

Usage examples of "orientations".

From this conversion of the productive sphere to universalistic [global] orientations there proceeded a strong structural compulsion for the development of personality structures that replaced conventional role identity with ego identity.

On a truly giant scale, as we see in later chapters, it also reflected the same obsessive concern with orientations and dimensions demonstrated in each of the monuments.

They were also highly skilled surveyors—I mean the people who originally prepared the site and laid out the orientations for the pyramids—because they worked to an exacting geometry and because they knew how to align the base-platforms, or whatever it was they built, perfectly to the cardinal points.

By contrast, if these particles are really strings, collapsed together in completely random orientations, they will fill out a nonzero-sized blob, roughly like a Planck-sized ball of entangled rubber bands.

Axis orientations affected the rate of spread of crops and livestock, and possibly also of writing, wheels, and other inventions.

You won’t have to worry anymore about there being two possible orientations for each one.

The reason for these different orientations is particularly telling at close range, before the arrow begins to turn in the air.

They're spaced around the spin axis of the cylinder-which is exactly normal to the ecliptic-at various distances and orientations, the farthest about a million kilometers out, the closest about a thousand.