Oridam is a 2005 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Pradeep Nair, starring Vishnu and Geethu Mohandas in the lead roles. Oridam movie is a quest of a sex worker to find a place for herself in the society.The very same society, which uses and throws her. The reason for a woman being thrown into the street could be the same, anywhere in the world. The pains, sufferings, dreams and the thoughts of a new life tormented her. She lived weighing herself between the right and the wrong.
The sex worker (Geethu Mohandas) who doesn't have a name, nor does many of the other characters in the movie. The protagonists has a simple dream. A dream of leading a decent life, one that doesn't have anything to do with the flesh trade.
1.Special Jury Award in Direction-52nd National Film Awards. 2.Special Jury Award in Direction-Kerala State Film Awards. 3.Best Actress-Kerala State Film Award s. 4.Best Background Score- Kerala State Film Awards 5.Best Costume Design - Kerala State Film Awards. 6.Best Film Processing-Kerala State Film Awards. Kerala Film Critics Association Awards-Director,Actress,Sound Mixing.