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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Orgiastic \Or`gi*as"tic\, a. [Gr. ?. See Orgy.] Pertaining to, or of the nature of, orgies.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1690s, from Greek orgiastikos "fit for orgies, exciting," from orgiastes "one who celebrates orgies," from orgiazein "to celebrate orgies," from orgia (see orgy).


a. Relating to an orgy; wild, uncontrolled.

  1. adj. used of frenzied sexual activity

  2. used of riotously drunken merrymaking; "a night of bacchanalian revelry"; "carousing bands of drunken soldiers"; "orgiastic festivity" [syn: bacchanalian, bacchanal, bacchic, carousing]

Usage examples of "orgiastic".

I have traveled through Belgium and found, in little market towns, kermesses that were orgiastic like the merry-making in a Breughel picture.

Animal fury and orgiastic license here whipped themselves to daemoniac heights by howls and squawking ecstacies that tore and reverberated through those nighted woods like pestilential tempests from the gulfs of hell.

I have a nightmare vision of our whole act coming to a massive orgiastic climax on October 25th: Two thousand costumed freaks doing the schottische, in perfect unison, in front of the County Courthouse.

During that time Christianity had experienced huge growth in its followers and in the numbers of churches dedicated to the worship of Christ, often through a reconsecration of temples to the pagan gods, the former sites of horrifying orgiastic festivals and sacrifices.

Crete he appears as Iasius or even Zeus, whose orgiastic worship, remaining unveiled by the usual forms of mystery, betrayed to profane curiosity the symbols which, if irreverently contemplated, were sure to be misunderstood.

There is no shortage of documentation for the thesis that the current Haight-Ashbury scene is only the orgiastic tip of a great psychedelic iceberg that is already drifting in the sea lanes of the Great Society.

The male beetles enjoy several weeks of orgiastic ecstasy among the orchids, and when eventually the females emerge from the ground, we can imagine a great deal of wounded pride and righteous indignation.

This is the essence of their boundary-dissolving function, and 12 to 20 thousand years ago the ordinary style of human society was, as I said, nomadic pastoralism and psychedelic intoxication on a schedule that was very probably lunar, so reclaiming that orgiastic boundaryless style of sexual relating is part of what the archaic revival is about.

Wearing gillmasks, they dis­played their pretty nudities to the bypassers, promising but never quite delivering orgiastic frenzies.

When we reached it, we entered the swamp at a run, zigzagging among the mossy knolls and black, weed-slick pools where the small, outlying knots of nude humanity mingled with miscellaneous demonry in orgiastic combination.