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vb. (en-third-person singular of: organize)

Usage examples of "organizes".

This field organizes and patterns the indeterminism that would be shown by the lower-level holons in isolation.

With this purged militia the club expels nuns, drives off unsworn priests, organizes expeditions in the neighborhood, and goes so far as to purify suspected municipalities.

Her lab is where she organizes her data on whales, so in a way, that's where the whales are.

Now, what the diagram says is that primitive society eventually organizes into feudal society.

The nucleus and the particles that make up a ghost are simply too small to be seen by us and the force field that organizes them can pass effortlessly through the molecules that we can see.

Morgan organizes the rosters and only he can tell me whether the men are willing to go on or whether they insist on taking their leave in full.

Somebody organizes the whole affair, fills forms, presses buttons, shouts orders, recommends promotions, lacks the shiftless, grabs all the credit, transfers all the blame and generally lords it around.

No doubt she even organizes the bedsport with her husband, though he does not seem to complain in that regard.

On one side, in the War Department, Pache, its accomplice before becoming its mayor, organizes a steady stream of waste and theft.

Probability theorists tackle such ques­tions using 'sample spaces', their name for what we earlier called a 'phase space', a conceptual 'space' that organizes all the possibil­ities.