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organization chart

alt. (context management English) A graphic display of reporting relationships in an organization, sometimes displaying position titles and position holders. n. (context management English) A graphic display of reporting relationships in an organization, sometimes displaying position titles and position holders.

organization chart

n. a chart showing the lines of responsibility between departments of a large organization

Usage examples of "organization chart".

There was this big organization chart-colored boxes with names in them, and lines of who reports to who-that had to do with some crazy kind of United States Space Force.

Even if he remembered them, he would not know their significance, as he does not actually have the organization chart of the Foreign Ministry (which runs Intelligence) and the Military laid out in front of him.

Still, he reflected, it would have been nice if Third Fleet had been anything more than an organization chart when he arrived here.

His words were light but his tone was as professional as an organization chart.