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alt. (plural of organisation English) n. (plural of organisation English)

Usage examples of "organisations".

At a conference which took place at the Tauride Palace late in the night of July 16-17 between some Bolsheviks and ward organisations, I supported the motion of Kamenev that everything should be done to prevent a recurrence of the demonstration on July 17th.

For it is scarcely possible that two organisations should be compounded into one, without some disturbance occurring in the development, or periodical action, or mutual relation of the different parts and organs one to another, or to the conditions of life.

All that I have attempted to show, is that in two cases, in some respects allied, sterility is the common result,--in the one case from the conditions of life having been disturbed, in the other case from the organisation having been disturbed by two organisations having been compounded into one.

The hired killer has been a hit man for all kinds of crime and outlawed organisations, from the Mafia to Palestinian terroristsnot forgetting the occasional unscrupulous individual with the necessary money to pay for his deadly talents.

Yet Bonapartism is still insufficient to destroy completely the organisations of the working class, and a special form of reaction is therefore required to perform this task - fascism.

After a short interval, von Papen rescinded the ban on the fascist military organisations, which unleashed a terror campaign without parallel, with hundreds dead or wounded, and with every locality reporting deaths from assassinations by the Nazis.

He issued a statement to the police to avoid at all costs hostility to the fascist military organisations but to show no mercy to those hostile to the state.

The club shared its name with one of the largest social organisations associated with the Freemasons.