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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Organically \Or*gan"ic*al*ly\, adv. In an organic manner; by means of organs or with reference to organic functions; hence, fundamentally.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1680s in reference to bodily organs; 1862 in reference to living beings; 1841 as "as part of an organized whole;" from organic. From 1971 as "without the use of pesticides, etc."


adv. 1 In an organic manner. 2 In the manner of a living organism. 3 As part of an organized whole. 4 inherently, naturally or constitutionally. 5 From, or using organic matter. 6 With regard to organic husbandry.

  1. adv. as an important constituent; "the drapery served organically to cover the Madonna"

  2. involving carbon compounds; "organically bound iodone" [ant: inorganically]

  3. in an organic manner; "this food is grown organically"

Usage examples of "organically".

Each species of the animal kingdom is thus organically adapted to its condition and sphere of life.

This is shown herein, not by abstract formulae and intellectualized theories, but organically and historically.

It is organically necessary, and all the Cultures went through this stage.

Such things could not happenEurope could not have reached such a lowif the new outlook on politics, the organically necessary outlook, had been clearly present in the ruling stratum in every European land.

But the monarch was tied to the organism with his whole existence, he was responsible organically even where he was not responsible in fact.

The same is true of any one man: the various directions of his energy stand in an organically unified, harmonious relationship to one another.

In the battle between Western forces, the outcome of which is organically shaped by the progressive development of our Culture-soul, the casting of totally foreign power into the balance is a warping and frustration.

CONDITIONS arise during the organically necessary Civilization-crisis, and are thus autopathic.

The entire process was organically necessary, and thus divinely necessary, for the soul of a High Culture is a direct emanation of the Godhead.

They fought all signs of rank, and against anything which had grown organically through the centuries.

To find an answer to this question, let us resort once more to our method of observing things genetically, combined with the principle of not considering parts without considering the whole to which they organically belong.

Mankind, and all the other kingdoms of nature, are bound up organically with the earth from the start of its existence.

This same History will also, progressively, impose its laws on the analysis of production, the analysis of organically structured beings, and, lastly, on the analysis of linguistic groups.

That birthday suit there is painted with science, it is organically correct, you can examine it under the microscope.

Picked up and dusted off by ready hands, he was found to be conscious, organically unhurt, and evidently cured of his sudden nervous attack.