Crossword clues for orellana
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Usage examples of "orellana".
Francisco de Orellana, a man in whose courage and fidelity he put full trust.
Pizarro at length decided to stop where he was and feed on the scanty forest spoil, while Orellana went down the stream in his brigantine to where, as the Indians said, the Napo flowed into a greater river.
Here the nation they sought was to be found, and Orellana was bidden to get a supply of provisions and bring them back to the half-starved company.
Here, instead of finding supplies with which to return, Orellana could obtain barely enough food for himself and his men.
In this dilemma Orellana came to the daring decision to go on down the Amazon, visiting the populous nations which he was told dwelt on its banks, descending to its mouth, and sailing back to Spain with the tidings and the glory of a famous adventure and noble discovery.
De Vargas was the only one who earnestly opposed the desertion as inhuman and dishonorable, and Orellana punished him by abandoning him in the wilderness and sailing away without him.
Here Orellana proceeded to the island of Cubagna, from which he made his way, with his companions, to Spain.
Gonzalo Pizarro, in his expedition in 1540, had heard much from the Indians of this land of wealth, and Orellana brought back from his famous descent of the Amazon marvellous stories of the riches in gold, silver, and precious stones of the land of the north.
The Jewish Balboa, the Jewish Mungo Park, Orellana, Pizarro, plowing unceasingly onward through one uncharted hairy jungle after another in the eternal quest for the unknowable prizes at the core of their hot, throbbing hearts.
Quicherno hero Tecun Uman and Creole heroes Orellana, Barrios, Granados.
The proof of this is that if the Atlantic Island had 2300 leagues of longitude, and the distance of Cadiz to the mouth of the river Maranon or Orellana and Trinidad, on the coast of Brazil, is, not more than 1000, 900, or 1100 leagues, being the part where this land joined to America, it clearly appears that, to complete the complement of 2300 leagues, we have to include in the computation all the rest of the land from the mouth of the Maranon and Brazil to the South Sea, which is what they now call America.
South American forests, led to the descent of the great river by Orellana, a knight of Truxillo.
It was not until nearly one hundred years after Orellana was in his grave that a voyage of discovery ascended the river.
Five miles above the town is the mouth of the Trombetas, where Orellana had his celebrated fight with the fabulous Amazons.
The old name, Orellana, after the discoverer, is obsolete, as also the Indian term Parana-tinga, or King of Waters.