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ore body

n. A large deposit of a mineral or minerals, below the earth's crust.

Usage examples of "ore body".

The gold was found on the mesa right above there, so they decided to drift into the hill from here, but they gave up when they found the ore body lay on the other side of the hill.

During the day an ore body had collapsed prematurely and over a hundred slaves with a few slave-masters had been crushed beneath it.

The dust was floury, rising from the shattered ore body as the hammer-men swung their ten-pound sledges to crack the larger lumps into manageable pieces.

They made Klinger an offer he thought was too low so he was running around to Lendro, Pythian Mining, South Africa Metal Combine, all of them with these reports on the ore body he'd found out there on the mission land trying to raise the ante.