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ordinary care

n. the care that a reasonable man would exercise under the circumstances; the standard for determining legal duty [syn: due care, reasonable care]

Usage examples of "ordinary care".

There are no absolute general rules by which good or harmless Fungi can be distinguished, but there should be no difficulty in recognizing all the best kinds by means of ordinary care.

With a little ordinary care and attention, I figured, she'd stop mutilating herself.

Provided ordinary care was taken of the patient, the book stated, the disease was not dangerous.

Exercise a little ordinary care, you ivory-skulled young son of a gun.

It is almost weightless, extremely fragile, but gyroscopically balanced so that it rarely falls, with ordinary care.

After a time he picked himself up and restored the stone to its pouch and hid it away where it belonged, and locked the casket with more than ordinary care.

Dressed with more than ordinary care, his head elegantly coiffed —.

Manilius, the proconsul, had fled with the loss of his baggage, he perceived that no ordinary care must be used by him.

Something in Sher's own reticence to lead the attack twisted a cautious knot in Hai's stomach, and made him take more than ordinary care with his preparations.

Of these a prince ought always to have a more than ordinary care, and order them as if they were enemies professed.