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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ X and Y are domiciled, resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.
▪ The local authority named must be the authority in whose area the child is ordinarily resident.
▪ Note that before an individual is charged to tax under s739 he must be ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.
▪ That code requires only that the trustees are at no time resident or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.
▪ Mr X is the settlor, and he is not domiciled, resident or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.
Ordinarily, it takes six weeks for applications to be processed.
▪ an ordinarily quiet neighborhood
▪ Counseling ordinarily costs about $100 a session.
▪ Furthermore, corporations ordinarily have easier access to bank credit than do other types of business organizations.
▪ Gift exchange between fellow Goigama ordinarily took the form of cooked food.
▪ Many whites have used the issue as an opportunity to vent racist jokes ordinarily kept underground or in sports bars.
▪ People using a pay phone in a particular location do not ordinarily have a choice between sellers of the service.
▪ So they may stick by him longer than they would, ordinarily, have done.
▪ The general administration of the trust is ordinarily carried out in the United Kingdom.
▪ The roadside, along which, at this hour, thousands of men would ordinarily be plodding to work, was empty.
▪ This was not the first time his parents had intimated that they thought Fred only ordinarily able.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ordinarily \Or"di*na*ri*ly\, adv. According to established rules or settled method; as a rule; commonly; usually; in most cases; as, a winter more than ordinarily severe.

Those who ordinarily pride themselves not a little upon their penetration.
--I. Taylor.


adv. 1 (context obsolete English) In accordance with normal custom or routine; as a matter of established occurrence. 2 usually or as a general rule; commonly. 3 In the usual manner; unexceptionally.


adv. under normal conditions; "usually she was late" [syn: normally, usually, unremarkably, commonly] [ant: unusually]

Usage examples of "ordinarily".

Speed is controlled by increasing or diminishing the number of armature bearings in series with the accumulator--all of which is simply accomplished by a lever which the pilot moves from his position on deck where he ordinarily lies upon his stomach, his safety belt snapped to heavy rings in the deck.

A wealthy merchant in bijouterie and glass does not ordinarily meddle with violent robbery in trains, nor drive up into the mountains to compromise himself by being seen with wanted characters near the scene of fresh crimes.

The difficulties created by the Burr case have been obviated to a considerable extent through the punishment of acts ordinarily treasonable in nature under a different label within a formula provided by Chief Justice Marshall himself in the Bollman case.

Had Corbeau received less than the usual indulgent understanding from his fellows and superiors that a young officer in such a plight might ordinarily expect?

They were quite generous in dispensing the leaf to their fellow debauchees, and ere long we observed that our guests were behaving in a more than ordinarily lascivious manner.

Here he was, an insignificant clerk, being flattered by the representative of a great German company and promised twenty thousand dinar, as much as he ordinarily earned in six months, for doing precisely nothing.

Technically the Z9M9Z, socially the Directrix, ordinarily simply GFHQ, that ship had been built specifically to control the operations of a million separate flotillas.

One does not ordinarily submit to minette as a command performance, but guilt is a wonderful tool.

Pass from thence to the dispositions of them that thou doest ordinarily converse with, how hardly do we bear, even with the most loving and amiable!

Ordinarily I don't mind getting softly drunk next to the slowly collapsing heap that is Mum, but I have to go back to boarding school the next day, nine hours by pickup across the border to Zimbabwe.

The entasis of columns and curvature of what would ordinarily be straight lines is familiar to all students of architecture.

Talbert Exon, is a man of fifty-seven, and ordinarily a tough, hard, active, and fiery old devil.

Ordinarily, he should have arrived before Fant, but flooded roads had forced a roundabout route.

Therefore, at the moment when Gering was pressing Iberville hard, the Frenchman suddenly, with a trick of the Italian school, threw his left leg en arriere and made a lunge, which ordinarily would have spitted his enemy, but at the critical moment one word came ringing clearly through the locked door.

The silent drama being played out on the lelevision sere en across the room from him--some gonzo was throttg some lady--was a scene Mick would ordinarily have found engrossing.