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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ordinaire may refer to:

  • Ordinaire, a rank of musicians held by Marguerite-Antoinette Couperin, François Martin, etc.
  • Bourgogne Grand Ordinaire
  • Temperament ordinaire (French tempérament ordinaire musical intonation
  • Vin ordinaire
  • Ordinaire (EP)

Usage examples of "ordinaire".

Felix Ordinaire took his seat, crossed his stubby legs, bouncing his ankle effeminately and sighed.

The bikers occupied three tables and were washing down platters of entrecote steak and chips with tumblers of dark red vin ordinaire.

Reference, however, to the letters patent of January 15, 1540, from which he professes to quote and which are still preserved and can be identified as the same which he says were to be found in the Etat Ordinaire des Guerres in the Chambre des Comptes at Paris, does not bear out his statement.

The wine in the cellar was cheap viii ordinaire, but there was half a case of good scotch whisky.

Mephistopheles said, and then desisted, for Polly, the serving girl, had arrived with the orlotan pies, which were actually made of sparrows, the wheaten bread, which turned out to be oaten, and the Malmsey, which was no more than vin ordinaire from Bordeaux.

More street musicians arrived, and the vin ordinaire flowed like the Seine, Then, without warning, the building that housed Dr.

After a quick stop in the kitchen for a peg of the vin ordinaire that the departing family had deemed too inferior to take with them or to try and sell, a big cottage-loaf, and a pot of honey, he bundled himself up in his mackintosh and went out into the wet, tying his hood down around his ears.

She got so excited about it, Tania, that we finished almost a half dozen bottles of vin ordinaire.

At the last minute the old man hurried down with a jug of vin ordinaire.

Audrey saw an Algerian, ragged and dirty from the battle-fields, kiss on both cheeks a portly British Admiral of the fleet, and was herself kissed by a French sailor, with extreme robustness and a slight tinge of vin ordinaire.

The wine was marvelous, much better than the vin ordinaire of the last night, and though it still tasted very thin compared to blood, I downed two glasses of it, and was about to devour the pasta, as they called it here, when I looked up and realized that the fretful female attendant was still there.

The night I'm talking about, when he got high on my vin ordinaire, he went into a wild oration about his country being the trampled crossroads of the world and he himself the essence of its mud, Caucasian, Indian, Negro.

She recalled the parties, the rock conceits, the demonstrations, the political arguments in cafes, the endless bottles of vin rouge ordinaire in attic studios.