Ordet (, meaning " The Word" and originally released as The Word in English) is a 1955 Danish drama film, directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer. It is based on a play by Kaj Munk, a Danish Lutheran priest, first performed in 1932. The film won the Golden Lion at the 16th Venice International Film Festival, and was the only film by Dreyer to be both a critical and financial success.
The film is now regarded by many critics as a masterpiece, admired particularly for its cinematography.
is a Japanese animation studio, founded in 2007 by ex- Kyoto Animation director Yutaka Yamamoto and other staff. The company initially served as a subcontractor before producing their first fully solo work, an OVA episode of Black Rock Shooter, which aired in the spring of 2010. This was followed up with an 8-episode series that aired on noitamina from February 2, 2012 to March 22, 2012.