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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Orderly room

Orderly \Or"der*ly\, a.

  1. Conformed to order; in order; regular; as, an orderly course or plan.

  2. Observant of order, authority, or rule; hence, obedient; quiet; peaceable; not unruly; as, orderly children; an orderly community.

  3. Performed in good or established order; well-regulated. ``An orderly . . . march.''

  4. Being on duty; keeping order; conveying orders. ``Aids-de-camp and orderly men.'' --Sir W. Scott. Orderly book (Mil.), a book for every company, in which the general and regimental orders are recorded. Orderly officer, the officer of the day, or that officer of a corps or regiment whose turn it is to supervise for the day the arrangements for food, cleanliness, etc. --Farrow. Orderly room.

    1. The court of the commanding officer, where charges against the men of the regiment are tried.

    2. The office of the commanding officer, usually in the barracks, whence orders emanate.

      Orderly sergeant, the first sergeant of a company.

Usage examples of "orderly room".

There'd been a knee-high railing protecting the little patch of lawn in front of the orderly room.

It was still ten minutes before eight o'clock when Lon went to the orderly room.

They began a long discussion as to why an officer had left it in the orderly room.

He melted the wax over the lamp on the orderly room table and sealed the knot with a flat lens-shaped stone.

He was to meet Captain Orlis and Lieutenant Hoper in the orderly room, the company office, thirty minutes before the briefing.

I remembered that Fuller had been talking to Mason when I came out of the orderly room.

He had gone to France as an orderly room clerk with an RASC transport company and, when captured, held the rank of acting corporal.

Repressing a cold feeling of despair he washed up a bit in the latrine, took a stiffening drink from the cold tap, then dragged his feet to the orderly room.

Bill had had a good glimpse of a second lieutenant once, near the orderly room, and he knew he had a face.

I needed twenty-three minutes to reach the battalion orderly room on main base.

Someone got the bright idea to march him over to the company orderly room and turn him in at rifle point to Captain Speirs.