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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ordain \Or*dain"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ordained; p. pr. & vb. n. Ordaining.] [OE. ordeinen, OF. ordener, F. ordonner, fr. L. ordinare, from ordo, ordinis, order. See Order, and cf. Ordinance.]

  1. To set in order; to arrange according to rule; to regulate; to set; to establish. ``Battle well ordained.''

    The stake that shall be ordained on either side.

  2. To regulate, or establish, by appointment, decree, or law; to constitute; to decree; to appoint; to institute.

    Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month.
    --1 Kings xii. 32.

    And doth the power that man adores ordain Their doom ?

  3. To set apart for an office; to appoint.

    Being ordained his special governor.

  4. (Eccl.) To invest with ministerial or sacerdotal functions; to introduce into the office of the Christian ministry, by the laying on of hands, or other forms; to set apart by the ceremony of ordination.

    Meletius was ordained by Arian bishops.
    --Bp. Stillingfleet.


vb. (present participle of ordain English)

Usage examples of "ordaining".

Hence action and, in consequence, grace ordaining thereto, presuppose the hypostasis which operates.

Consequently, although, after deceiving man, the devil, so far as in him lay, held him unjustly in bondage as to both sin and penalty, still it was just that man should suffer it, God so permitting it as to the sin and ordaining it as to the penalty.

There is nothing to hinder the common law of nature from ordaining a thing, the contrary of which is nevertheless ordained by a special privilege of grace, as is evident in the raising of the dead, and in the restoring of sight to the blind: even thus in human affairs, to some individuals some things are granted by special privilege which are outside the common law.

It is the custom of some Churches for priests newly ordained to co-celebrate with the bishop ordaining them.

And therefore, according to the custom of some Churches, as the apostles supped when Christ supped, so the newly ordained co-celebrate with the ordaining bishop.

But the bishop in ordaining gives to the priest the power of consecrating.

Where is the compelling power of Thine ordaining pen, O Conqueror of the worlds?

American Federal System are the ones which at the outset marked it off most sharply from all preceding systems, in which the member states generally agreed to obey the mandates of a common government for certain stipulated purposes, but retained to themselves the right of ordaining and enforcing the laws of the union.

I am born in slavery, under a government ordaining slavery, that is a different case from that of one taken out of a passenger ship and sold as a slave.

It is true that the Constitution is not final, and that it contains an express article ordaining the manner in which it may be amended.