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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Opulent \Op"u*lent\, a. [L. opulens, opulentus, fr. ops, opis, power, wealth, riches, perh. akin to E. apt: cf. F. opulent. Cf. Copious, Couple, Office.] Having a large estate or property; wealthy; rich; affluent; as, an opulent city; an opulent citizen. -- Op"u*lent*ly, adv.

I will piece Her opulent throne with kingdoms.


adv. In an opulent manner.


adv. in a sumptuous and opulent manner; "this government building is sumptuously appointed" [syn: sumptuously]

Usage examples of "opulently".

They were opulently furnished, and Beatrice and Ethel poked their noses into every corner of them.

The opulently upholstered settees and armchairs and bar-stools, dark green leather with gold piping, would have cost another fortune, even the trade-in value of the beaten copper tables scattered carelessly about the carpet would have fed a family of five for a year.

Deep greens and rich browns predominated in the thick rugs underfoot and the opulently cushioned chairs.

When the stoles were placed about their shoulders, I thought with chagrin that both now looked more like decorations than princes, for in contrast to the simple garb of King Eyod and his attendants, Regal and August were decked in circlets and rings, and their garments were of opulently rich fabrics and cut with no regard for either thrift or service.