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a. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting opposition


Usage examples of "oppositional".

It may be that Kundera does not endorse the violence represented in his fiction, but neither does his work seem to offer much in the way of alternatives to the oppositional thinking that leads so often to violence against women.

Kundera himself may be seeing through or otherwise exposing oppositional thinking in the representation of women.

They resist the simplistic and oppositional thinking that is so repeatedly shown by Kundera to be a fundamental characteristic of the sexual politics of culturally dominant masculinity.

Kundera explores the impossibility of extreme oppositional thinking is through a female character.

Tamina escapes the oppositional domination of extremes that has tortured her life throughout the novel.

Petrarch insists on, dominated by oppositional thinking and stereotypes.

Though Kundera does not appear to outline a carefully articulated plan for going further and completely destroying oppositional structures themselves, he does offer a very detailed articulation of the impact of oppositional thinking on the lives of women.

Kundera may propose no revolutionary alternative to the binary structure he critiques, but in the exposure of oppositional thinking and its consequences, it is clear that Kundera aims beyond oppositions, if nothing else, in his ambitious attempt to expose oppositional extremes and deprive them of their power and appeal.

I argued that the interpenetrability of both oppositional terms manifests itself visually in her painting.

Certainly, associating Sabina with lightness and Tereza with weight seems reasonable enough in a general way, but beneath the surface Kundera challenges the opposition-based view of women as dominated by either one or the other oppositional extreme.

Finally, especially in his more recent three novels, Kundera suggests that one possible escape from the dominance of one oppositional perspective over another is a provisional balance between oppositional terms attempted almost exclusively by female characters like Tamina or Agnes.

Several times on Sunday afternoon Qwilleran had suggested playing the word game, hoping for additional revelations, but the catchwords that Koko turned up were insignificant: oppositional and optimism, cynegetic and cypripedium.

Half or more of ADHD children are also diagnosed Oppositional Defiant Disorder (with the subtle implication that there is more than a brain disorder here) or Conduct Disorder.

While they may once have been necessary to keep evil dictators from taking over, when there is nothing to criticize, such oppositional editorialists are anachronistic.