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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Opposable \Op*pos"a*ble\, a.

  1. Capable of being opposed or resisted.

  2. Capable of being placed opposite something else; as, the thumb is opposable to the forefinger.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1660s, "capable of being withstood," from oppose + -able. In reference to human thumbs, from 1833. Related: Opposability.


a. 1 Capable of being opposed or resisted. 2 Capable of being placed opposite something else.


adj. capable of being placed opposite to something; "the thumb is opposable to the forefinger" [syn: apposable] [ant: unopposable]

Usage examples of "opposable".

Basically a giant Gelada baboon, with material from certain breeds of dog, from the hunting cats, and from human stock for intelligence, vocal cords, and a fully opposable thumb.

Four very long webbed fingers and an opposable thumb, each terminating in what appeared to be a small suckerlike tip where the fingerprint would be.

Less than a meter tall, they stood on two thick trunklike legs with massively oversized feet and they had two arms ending in equally outsized hands, three fingers and an opposable thumb that extended opposite the index finger rather than at the end of the hand.

Secondly, in place of flippers both sexes have elongated handlike appendages, with three long, jointed fingers and an opposable thumb.

He held it gingerly, like the relic it was - the bones of an almost intact handlike appendage, larger than a human's, with three exaggeratedly long but distinctly jointed fingers and an opposable thumb.

Forget the fur, and the six fingers (including fully opposable thumbs) on each of six limbs, and the short stubs of tails no doubt left over from their tree-dwelling ancestors.

Moderately intelligent, seemingly self-aware, possessing opposable digits and thus a fair degree of manual dexterity.

Fain would I have someone with opposable thumbs to open screwtops, or what will the use in looting be?