n. (opera singer English)
Usage examples of "opera singers".
And everywhere on the walls were little pictures of opera singers, cut out of magazines and framed.
Within the past few minutes the Things had been called the 'Opera Singers'.
One of the good things about living there was that Austrians were generally unimpressed with celebrities, unless they were famous conductors or opera singers.
That was surely enough to prove his ability, to prove he wasn't just a spoiled wastrel who got into quarrels over opera singers (his father's words).
His parents, both opera singers, on their way back across the continent from California, from a booking in San Francisco.
It was a violent, sensual dream full of homosexual opera singers, barons in drag, and a brothel straight out of a Jean Genet play.
Like most opera singers, Teresa had the physique of an athlete, and she had her first three babies easily, retiring from the stage only during the final month of each pregĀ.
I had seen in my mother's album photographs of all the great opera singers, mostly in evening dress.
In the theatre I found myself before a gilded balcony filled with persons in evening dress whom I took to be the opera singers.
All artists, not only comedians, but opera singers and all other performers, feel this sea of energy when the audience is with them.
I like the plain, old-fashioned churches, built for use, not show, where people met for hearty praying and preaching, and where everybody made their own music instead of listening to opera singers, as we do now.
He'd no patience with the tawdry, mercenary women that preyed upon sailors in every portthe common ones here in Naples had shown their gratitude to the English by giving at least a third of his crew the pox while stealing the purses of the restnor had he any interest himself in privately entertaining the more expensive doxies, the greedy local actresses and opera singers, in his cabin the way other captains did.
I may not enjoy sitting through an opera, but I have always respected opera singers and enjoy the highlights of opera.
She has for some time had the reputation of frequenting the Rat Mort and La Souris in Montmartre where she gathered about her a group of female admirers, chiefly actresses and opera singers, who would vie subtly with one another to be her choice of the evening.