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openHPI is a platform for massive open online courses ( MOOC) in the field of computer science and information technology. It is hosted at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam, Germany. openHPI is open for everyone, participation is free of costs. Everybody can register and enroll for courses without any prerequisites. openHPI’s courses are derived from HPI’s bachelor and master programs in IT-Systems Engineering and cover both, foundations of information technology as well as highly topical innovations.

The course languages are English and German. All courses follow the same educational scenario: The subject domain is split up into six weekly units. For each week, video lectures, reading materials, and quizzes are produced and presented in a learning sequence. Discussion forums are set up for each week, and actively moderated by the teaching team. Learning progress is assessed through self-tests that can be taken an indefinite number of times, and homework, where points are granted and collected for the final score, required for obtaining the certificate. After a course ends, materials stay available in archive mode.

The platform pioneered the MOOC format in Germany and started in September 2012. Until now the following courses have been offered.

  • " In-Memory Data Management" (English) taught by Hasso Plattner (>13,000 enrolled participants, 2137 certificates granted).
  • "Internetworking with TCP/IP" (German) taught by Christoph Meinel (>9,800 enrolled participants, 1635 certificates granted).
  • " Semantic Web Technologies" (English) taught by Harald Sack (>6,000 enrolled participants, 778 certificates granted).
  • " Data Management with SQL" (German) taught by Felix Naumann (>7,400 enrolled participants, 1,641 certificates granted).
  • " In-Memory Data Management" (English) taught by Hasso Plattner (>16,000 enrolled participants, 2,400 certificates granted).
  • " Business Process Modeling and Analysis" (English) taught by Mathias Weske.

Upcoming courses deal with Concepts in Parallel Computing, Networking via the Internet Protocol TCP/IP and Semantic Web Technologies.