Crossword clues for openest
vb. (context archaic English) Second-person singular present simple form of '''open'''
Usage examples of "openest".
Thou givest, and they gather: thou openest thy hand, and they are filled with good.
So I will tell thee now that if thou openest thy lips to say only one single word more except at my bidding, I will send thee to the black vault of the donjon to cool thy hot spirits on bread and water for a week.
That thou givest them they gather: thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good.
The eyes of all wait upon Thee, O Lord, and Thou givest them their meat in due season: Thou openest Thine hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
He is in despair, and thou no longer openest thy arms to him as an asylum from his grief?
Assyrians invoked the bull who guarded the gates: O great bull, O very great bull, which stampest high, which openest access to the interior .