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n. (plural of opener English)

Usage examples of "openers".

Belk had used only ten minutes of his allotted hour for his opening statement and Judge Keyes had recessed early, saying he wanted to start testimony on a separate day from openers so the jury would not confuse evidentiary testimony with the lawyers' words.

The gate openers are disturbed that a clavicle could fall into Jart hands -- if they have hands.

For openers, how'd you like to come to Quito with us, and we'll see what develops?

For openers, removal of a lot of rules and restrictions left over from the former regimes.

For openers, I admit what's obvious, that they are not a solid bloc, most especially not the Lunarians.

For openers, how’d you like to come to Quito with us, and we’ll see what develops?

For openers, I admit what’s obvious, that they are not a solid bloc, most especially not the Lunarians.

It was Kaorugi who heard the calling, and Kaorugi said to us, you Corojumi, you are openers of space.

And you, great Bofusdiaga, you are a burrower of walls, so you will be openers and burrowers for Quaggima as well.

For openers, my having poked a few cows in my own time, let's talk about grazing fees.

For openers it might make a gal think twice about unexpected dashes down the hall outside.